Get rid of all the problems of periods immediately

Menstruation is a natural process occurring in a woman. If there is irregularity in menstruation, then other disorders arise in the woman’s body. The reason for this can also be due to some disease within the body. If it is not done properly, a woman is deprived of the happiness of motherhood throughout her life.

Due to irregularity in menstruation

Too much laziness in the body, lack of blood, sexual dysfunction, consumption of cold things during menstruation, chills, soaking in water for a long time, wandering around in vain, grief, anger, sorrow, mental agitation, and monthly Inattention in eating and drinking during menstruation – Due to all these reasons, menstruation stops or does not happen on time.

Identifying menstrual irregularities

Pain in the uterus, Loss of appetite, Vomiting, Constipation, Pain in breasts, Low milk production, Heart palpitations, Difficulty in breathing, Hearing aids in ear, Sleeplessness, Diarrhoea, Abdominal pain Swelling in places in the body, mental tension, pain in hands, feet and back, hoarseness, exhaustion, body pain etc. are the symptoms of stopping menstruation.

Remedies to remove all the defects of menstruation

  1. Raisins: Take 3 grams old raisins and soak them in 200 ml water overnight. Boil it in the morning and keep it. When it remains in the quantity of one-fourth, then filtering it and consuming it destroys all the defects of menstruation.
  2. Sesame: Mixing 5 grams black sesame with jaggery should be taken 4 days before the start of menstruation. When menstruation starts, it should be stopped. With this all the disorders related to menstruation are destroyed. Grind about 8 teaspoons of sesame, jaggery or 10 black peppers (as per desired) in a glass of water and heat it. When half the water is left, drink it twice a day, from 15 minutes before menstruation to menstruation. By doing this, menstruation comes freely. Menstruation comes freely by giving 14 to 28 ml decoction of seeds with one gram chili powder thrice a day. Mixing the powder of sesame, barley and sugar with honey stops bleeding from the vagina of pregnant women.
  3. Jowar: Filter the ashes by burning the cobweb of jowar. This ash should be given in the amount of 3 grams with water in the morning on an empty stomach, about a week before the onset of menstruation. It should be stopped when menstruation starts. With this all the disorders of menstruation are destroyed.
  4. Amaranth: Dry the root of amaranth in shade and grind it finely. Take about 5 grams of it in the morning on an empty stomach, about 7 days before the start of menstruation. It should be stopped when menstruation starts. With this all the disorders of menstruation are destroyed.
  5. Ashwagandha: Make a fine powder by taking equal quantity of Ashwagandha and Khanda, then take 10 grams of it with water on an empty stomach and take it about 7 days before the start of menstruation. It should be stopped when menstruation starts. With this all the disorders of menstruation are destroyed.
  6. Revandchini: Take 3 grams Revandchini in the morning on an empty stomach, about 7 days before the start of menstruation. It should be stopped when menstruation starts. With this all the disorders of menstruation are destroyed.
  7. Camphorchura: Mix half gram camphorchura with all purpose flour and keep 4 tablets. One tablet should be taken every morning on an empty stomach, about 4 days before the start of menstruation. It should not be consumed after the onset of menstruation. With this all the disorders of menstruation are destroyed.
  8. Mustard: If there is pain in menstruation or if there is less discharge, then mixing mustard powder in lukewarm water and making a woman sit in water up to the waist is beneficial.
  9. Radish: Taking 3 grams powder of radish seeds with water in the morning and evening ends the blockage of menstruation.
  10. Adusa (Vasa):: The leaves of Adusa control the menstrual cycle. In amenorrhea (menstrual blockage), boil 10 grams of Vasa Patra, 6 grams each of radish and carrot seeds, all three in 500 ml water. Consuming this decoction for a few days is beneficial if the fourth quarter remains.
  11. Kalonji:: If there is no menstruation even for 2-3 months and if there is pain in the stomach, mix half a spoonful of Kalonji oil and 2 spoons of honey in a cup of warm water in the morning and evening at bedtime. Drink for days Note: Potatoes and brinjals should not be eaten during this experiment.
  12. Vidarikand: Grind one spoon of Vidarikand and one spoon of sugar candy and mix it with one spoon of ghee and take it daily in the morning and evening, it stops excessive bleeding during menstruation. Licking one spoon of Vidarikand powder mixed with ghee and sugar, stops excessive bleeding during menstruation.
  13. Uttalkambal: Taking 2 grams warm smooth juice of the bark of the root of Ultakambal for some time daily for some time provides relief in menstrual problems caused by all kinds of problems. Take 6 grams of bark of the root of Ultakambal and grind it with 1 gram of black pepper. Taking it with water from 7 days before menstruation and for as long as menstruation continues, menstruation becomes regular. It removes infertility and gives strength to the uterus.

If there is pain in uterus, thigh and waist along with irregular menstruation, taking 4 grams juice of the root of ultrakambal and taking it with sugar provides relief in two days.

Prepare a decoction by grinding 50 grams dry bark of ultrakambal ie ground barley in 500 ml water. Taking this decoction thrice a day in proper quantity, menstruation starts happening regularly in a few days. Use it from 7 days before the start of menstruation till the start of menstruation.

Take 4 grams powder of the bark of Ultakambal root and 7 grains of black pepper with water in the morning and evening for 7 days during menstruation. By using this for 2 to 4 months, all the defects of the uterus get erased. It is the best medicine for leucorrhoea and infertility.

  1. Pineapple: Taking 10 ml juice of unripe pineapple fruit, 1 gm powder of peepal bark and jaggery, takes it, it ends menstrual blockage.
    Taking one-fourth gram decoction of pineapple leaves also removes the blockage of menstruation.
  2. Bathua: Boil 2 spoons of Bathua seeds in 1 glass of water. When half the water is left, filtering and drinking the stopped menstruation comes clearly.
  3. Taking 3 grams powder of black pepper with honey ends menstruation.
  4. Taking one spoonful of grape juice in the morning in the morning breaks the stopped menstruation.
  5. After making a vegetable of raw papaya and eating it for a few days, menstruation starts coming freely.
  6. Take two spoon juice of cowpea juice on an empty stomach for about two weeks.
  7. After making a decoction of 10 grams sesame, 2 grams black pepper, two pieces of small peepal and a little sugar, the menstruation starts coming freely.
  8. Take 3 grams powder of basil root with honey.
  9. Grind 50 grams dry ginger, 30 grams jaggery, 5 grams bibirang and 5 grams barley – grind them coarsely and mix them in two cups of water. When the water remains half a cup, drink the decoction. Stopped menstruation will open.

Banyan hair, fenugreek and fenugreek – all in the amount of 3-3 grams and take coarsely ground. Then make a decoction by adding everything in half a kilo of water. When the water remains half, filter it and drink it after adding sugar.

Make a cup of onion soup. Mix some jaggery in it. Stopped menstruation will open by drinking this.

  1. Two grams Nama should be taken thrice a day with hot water. This opens the menstrual cycle.

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