Potato ::- You may be wondering how potato can increase your weight. Actually, if you include potatoes in your diet daily, then your weight is bound to increase. Potatoes contain carbohydrates and complex sugar.
Its regular intake definitely leads to weight gain. Try to eat potatoes in different ways so that it tastes good and delis can be consumed. Try not to fry the potatoes. This can cause harm. Stomach and gas related diseases are more than fried potatoes.
Banana :: – Banana is a complete diet for you. It contains sufficient amount of fat and sugar, which the body not only has energy, but also other nutrients. Banana contains so much sugar that if you eat it and weigh it, then it will increase. Bananas can also be consumed with milk. Banana shake is also beneficial.

Egg :: – Egg helps in weight gain. Fat and calories are very high in eggs. Daily intake of one egg is very beneficial for you. Eggs also contain protein content, and many other vitamins. However, keep in mind that do not forget to eat raw egg also. It can give you many diseases.
Raisins :: – Raisins are enough to increase your weight. If you consume a handful of raisins throughout the day on the go, then it is enough to increase your weight. If you want to eat raisins and figs in a balanced amount and after soaking overnight, then not only will you gain weight, but many diseases will also be away.
Almonds: – Eating almonds in winter is not only beneficial but it is a panacea for the mind. There are many benefits of almonds. And as far as weight gain is concerned, almonds are a great source of weight gain. By soaking 3-4 almonds overnight in water and grinding it in the morning and dissolving in milk, consuming it will increase your weight within a month.
Weight connection is also related to lifestyle. As much as good food is necessary to gain weight, a good lifestyle is also necessary. A good routine means breakfast, lunch and dinner from time. Taking a good snack when hungry and getting adequate amount of sleep at the right time is also helpful in increasing your weight.
Ghee ::
Eating ghee will also increase your weight because it contains a very good amount of saturated fats and Kailari. You can eat ghee by adding it to the food or you can also mix it with sugar, but keep in mind that the quantity of ghee should be limited.
Pomegranate ::
Drinking pomegranate juice daily increases weight rapidly.
Gram and Date ::
If thin people eat dates with gram, they gain weight very quickly.
Walnuts and Honey ::
Eating raisins mixed with milk also increases weight. Apart from this, if eaten by adding honey to walnuts, thin people will quickly become fat.
Do not do these things to get fat ::
- Many people eat junk food fiercely in the process of gaining weight, while this is not right. Do not eat junk food at all. Also, do not eat anything that cannot be digested.
- Apart from this, many people also take medicines and protein supplements to increase obesity or to gain weight, but are dangerous from health point of view. You will gain weight through medicines, but after this, the problems in the future, the side effects that will occur will not be good.