water deficiency disease symptoms
Most people do not take the lack of water in the body or dehydration seriously. They think that it can happen only in the desert that someone loses his life due to lack of water. Let us know what happens due to lack of water in the body and also know how much water we should drink daily.
Signs and symptoms of lack of water and diseases caused by lack of water –
The symptoms seen due to lack of water in the body are as follows –
Persistent or frequent headache, dizziness
Smelly or dark colored urine
weak and slow digestion, hard stools
dry, dull skin
feeling tired, lack of interest in work, inability to think clearly
Dryness in mouth and throat
rapid breathing or rapid heartbeat
Chronic dehydration of the body can occur due to many reasons, which can have serious side effects and it is not necessary that the symptoms appear suddenly. Chronic dehydration is becoming a huge problem and it affects people who do not drink the right amount of water. Let us know which disease is caused by lack of water.
Diseases caused by lack of water in the body. Dehydration symptoms
Consider 13 major symptoms of dehydration and make drinking water a habit at regular intervals. Each of these symptoms explains how a persistent lack of water in the body can affect health.
1) Fatigue and lack of energy
Due to the lack of water in the body tissues, the enzymatic activity slows down, causing a lack of energy in the body, a feeling of lethargy.
2) premature aging
The water content of a newborn baby is 80 percent, which decreases to 70 percent by the time of adulthood and decreases further with age. It has been seen that the signs of old age start appearing on the skin of those who drink less.
3) obesity
Many times we like to eat some juicy food or liquid food and eat it more than hunger because people sometimes confuse thirst as hunger. By doing this, obesity starts increasing in the body.
4) High and low blood pressure
When there is a lack of water in the body, the volume of blood is not enough to fill the arteries, veins and blood circulation system completely. Because of this, conditions of high or low blood pressure are created.
5) Cholesterol rise
Dehydration reduces the fluid contained within the body’s cells, due to which the body tries to compensate for this loss by producing more cholesterol.
6) Constipation
When the chewed food enters the intestine, due to the fluid present in it, the stool is well formed and the intestine absorbs the water. In chronic constipation, the intestines begin to absorb water excessively to provide water to other parts of the body.
7) Digestive diseases
In chronic dehydration, the production of digestive juices in the stomach decreases, which leads to stomach diseases.
8) Gastritis or stomach ulcer
The mucous membrane found in the stomach (stomach) always secretes a layer of mucus to protect the inner surface of the stomach from being destroyed by acidic digestive juices. Due to lack of water, the speed of acid formation increases and ulcers occur in the stomach.
9) Urine infections and cystitis
By drinking enough water, the acid and toxins present in the urine keep coming out and their intensity does not increase. This protects the mucous membranes of the urinary system.
10) Acid-base imbalance
Due to dehydration, the enzyme activities of the stomach become sluggish, due to which the body starts producing more acid.
11) Eczema
In order to maintain the moisture content of the skin, it is necessary to sweat 20 to 24 ounces of water in the body a day which reduces the intensity of acid. Due to excessive dryness of the skin and lack of moisture in the skin, the skin starts getting itchy and itchy.
12) Breathing difficulties
The mucous membrane inside the lungs also traps the particles coming in through the breath. Its capacity is also affected by the scarcity of water.
13) Arthritis
Dehydration increases the concentration of toxins in the blood and other body fluids, which increases the pain of arthritis in the same proportion.
How much water to drink How much Drink Water per day
We all keep on losing water from our body due to breathing, sweating and passing urine. For all the activities of the body to continue well, it is necessary that we keep on replenishing the decreasing amount of water in the body by drinking water and taking liquid food.
How many liters of water should 1 adult healthy person drink?
According to the Institute of Medicine, men should drink about 3 liters of water daily in a balanced temperature and environment. Its volume for women is 2.2 liters. It also includes the amount of other liquids like tea, coffee, juice etc.