What is Tobacco? What are the harms of consuming tobacco

Tobacco is made by drying the leaves of the Nicotiana tree. Actually tobacco is a poison, tobacco is obtained from Nicotia tabacum plant and the biggest thing is that tobacco consumption also leads to loss of life. By the time a person comes to know that the consumption of tobacco is harmful, it is too late and even after weaning off the lac, this addiction does not go away. The person who consumes tobacco gradually surrenders himself to destruction.

Types of tobacco

Tobacco is misused all over the world in the form of cigarettes but apart from this tobacco is also used in other forms, such as in the form of bidi, hookah, gul, gudaku, zarda, kimam, khaini, gutkha etc. Tobacco is used in any form, it has many side effects on the body. Following are some types of tobacco used:-

1 – smokeless tobacco

tobacco pan
pan masala
A mixture of tobacco, betel nut and slaked lime
mainpuri tobacco
Tobacco and slaked lime or khaini
chewable tobacco
tobacco water
Creamy Tobacco Powder

2 – Tobacco used in smoking

Charat – This is a type of cigar

What is in Tobacco, Composition of Tobacco

Experts say that there are about five thousand toxic substances in tobacco products. Cancer is associated with tobacco – tobacco use cancer of the respiratory system, liver (liver), lung, entire upper gastrointestinal, kidney, pancreas, bladder, oral cavity (cavity), nasal cavity (cavity), cervix, etc. Smokeless tobacco (tobacco, chewing and snuff / snuff etc.) is a major cause of cancer of the oral cavity. The most important and dangerous components present in it are the following:

1 – Nicotine
2 – carbon monoxide
3 – tar

Harm of Tobacco, Tambaku Khane Ke Nuksan

Tobacco is used in any form, it has a lot of side effects on the body, we are telling you about the harm of tobacco –

1- Bad breath from tobacco

Due to its excessive consumption, bad odor comes from the mouth, as well as our salivary gland is also affected a lot, as a result of which there is trouble in digestion of food.

2- Tobacco has bad effect on teeth and gums

Teeth and gums become bad due to the use of tobacco, the color of the teeth becomes black or yellow and it is never right even if you stop tobacco.

3- Oral cancer

The carbon monoxide and nicotine found in tobacco can cause many types of damage to your mouth. Tobacco use causes stains on the teeth and bad breath. Tobacco increases the risk of throat, mouth and esophageal cancer.

4- Heart disease from tobacco

Tobacco can have a variety of effects on the heart. The chemicals present in it increase the risk of heart disease or stroke by increasing the heart rate and constricting the blood vessels throughout the body. Apart from this, there can be a variety of other effects due to poor blood circulation.

5- The effect of tobacco on the lungs

Nicotine present in tobacco hardens the aorta. The aorta supplies blood to the entire body. Tobacco use causes difficulty in breathing. There is a problem of phlegm with cough. Tobacco is a lung disease and lung cancer.

6- Risk of colon infection from tobacco

The cause of colon cancer increases even more. Scientific studies done on the main reasons for this point to the fact that its risk is very high due to the consumption of tobacco. Therefore, do not consume tobacco and stay away from the grip of colon cancer.

7- Effect of tobacco on the digestive system

Tobacco use, smoking stimulates the production of high acid by irritating the digestive system. This can cause short-term long-term heartburn. In the worst case, smoking increases the risk of pancreatic cancer and peptic ulcer.

8- Effect of tobacco on the skin

Consumption of tobacco products damages the skin. Consumption of tobacco products causes wrinkles. Dry and pale skin is common among tobacco users. Apart from this, a strange smell keeps coming from your skin due to the use of tobacco products.

9- Diabetes from tobacco

India is also called the capital of diabetes and it is not wrong at all. Due to lack of attention towards their health, people suffer from many types of diseases and diabetes is also one of them. Tobacco use and smoking are considered to be one of the major causes of diabetes. So if you want to stay away from diabetes, then quit tobacco consumption today.

10- Effect of tobacco on hair

The quality of hair deteriorates due to consumption of tobacco products. Tobacco use can make your hair thin and brittle. You start finding it difficult to manage hair. Hair becomes dry. The shine of the hair is lost and the problem of hair fall increases significantly.

11- Erectile dysfunction of tobacco

Erectile Dysfunction This is such a problem in men that does not allow the erection to happen properly. The risk of erectile dysfunction increases manifold due to tobacco use. This also has a bad effect on the masculinity of men and their quality of life also gets spoiled. Therefore, if you want to keep your married life happy, then stop using tobacco.

12- Liver cancer from tobacco

Thousands of people lose their lives in India due to liver cancer. Liver infection can put a person to sleep in the lap of death at any time. After getting cancer, the risk of spreading this infection becomes highest. So do not consume tobacco and stay away from liver cancer. To keep the liver healthy, pay special attention to the necessary food.

13- TB from tobacco. Disease

TB is caused by the phosphoryl protic acid found in tobacco. Teeth become yellow, muddy and weak due to disease and perpherol. Your teeth and gums start to rot due to the leukoplakia disease caused by tobacco.

14- Effect of smelling power of tobacco

Due to excessive intoxication of tobacco, the power of taste and smell is affected. Along with this, asthma and many non-communicable diseases occur.

15- Pain from tobacco

Occasional chest pain, tightness, loss of vision, headache, increased blood pressure) may be due to the effects of tobacco.

16- Heart disease from tobacco (cardiovascular)

1.Stroke is a brain disease. The reason for this can be the constriction of the blood vessels of tobacco or it may result in loss of consciousness and even paralysis.

  1. Tobacco affects the coronary vessels of the heart, mainly due to which there is a lack of blood supply to the heart or the heart muscle can be exhausted, which is known as ischemic or coronary heart disease.
  2. It causes strain in the heart. Smoking increases the risk of diseases such as coronary heart disease (CHD) by high cholesterol and blood pressure.

17- Respiratory disease from tobacco

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: This includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Asthma: Smoking is associated with acute attacks of asthma. Tuberculosis/tuberculosis.

18- Tobacco affects fertility

Tobacco consumption affects the fertility of both men or women, in men, tobacco consumption reduces sperm count, which can lead to impotence, while in women, tobacco consumption can cause sterility.

There is a possibility of miscarriage during pregnancy and the development of the fetus is affected. Women who consume tobacco and smoking is also included in their habit, they should be very careful about this. Women are at the highest risk of breast cancer due to tobacco use. At the same time, if pregnant women are consuming tobacco, then it also has a negative effect on their child and the child growing in the womb is not able to develop fully. Effects on pregnancy and its consequences.

Bleeding during pregnancy.
Ectopic pregnancy.
Premature birth of the child.
dead birth.
Abnormalities of placenta/placenta.

19- Effects of Tobacco on Newborns and Childhood

The following are the factors responsible for risky conditions arising due to maternal tobacco use during pregnancy and exposure of children to secondhand smoke in childhood:

  1. Maternal smoking is associated with congenital malformations in children such as truncated shapes, inwardly twisted toes, and atrial-septal defects.
  2. The risk of allergies increases.
  3. High blood pressure in childhood.
  4. The potential for an increase in obesity.
  5. stunted growth.
  6. Poor lung function.
  7. Increased likelihood of developing asthma.

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